October 25th,2009
Ok, it's time for an update. But just real quick, cuz I don't have a lot of time. As usual. So September and October were definitely the busiest and most stressful months of our married life...but most of it has been a positive stress, if there is such a thing. I like to say it’s been “crazy-good” because all of this crazy, busy, losing-our minds stress is due to new and exciting things – a new house, a new baby, a new ward with new friends…the changing schools ordeal was a headache, and the robbery was really upsetting, and we’ve had a few frustrations & set-backs, etc. but we are so blessed and I feel so humbled.
So, yeah, having a baby, a fourth child, and moving into a new house at the same time. Hmm, not smart, but we couldn't forsee this when we decided to get pregnant & the move could not wait.
Other than being sleep deprived and my head feeling like it's spinning with all that there is to organize, paint, and remember - the basics of life like laundry, grocery shopping, appointments, school, football,although that's come to an end this week, I am actually very happy and doing great. I feel a lot of joy and peace from my family. My kids are adorable and I love having four. My husband is awesome, I am so thankful for him - his serious side, that he is so smart and makes us successful, and his silly side, that he makes me laugh. I'm so glad we spend time together so often, even if it's just watching tv shows & having a treat, or talking via Yahoo Messenger during the day.
This house is coming together, slowly, and although overwhelming, it's fun & so beautiful. I'm excited for it to be done. The new shutters look amazing! love them...
I love the extra 980 sq.ft of space.
I always felt that the Callaway house had enough room, other than the baby needing a bedroom, but after moving here that house seems sooo small. I went back on Wednesday to clear out some more closets, mostly just stuff we don’t want, and it’s hard to see the house cleared out because you see only the walls and carpet and realize how old and filthy it is. It’s embarrassing, but in this short sale we are not responsible for having the house cleaned, or repainting, or replacing the horrible carpet. We just leave it as is. I would clean it & touch-up the paint just because I feel bad if I wasn’t so busy getting organized here. Surprisingly, to me, we have a buyer already. We did all of the signing & initialing with Karen Hoberg on Friday. Hopefully it all goes through with no problems.
Painting takes so long with all of the interruptions, but I’m really happy about how the color looks with our new couches and pillows. I was doubtful at first when Anthony picked these couches & I agreed to them, but it’s a beautiful living room.
It’s interesting how much stress/ busy-ness this newborn has brought to my life – at a horrible time, during a move! – and yet, how much peace and joy he brings to my life during this time. Sometimes he feels like a very difficult distraction but also a wonderful distraction to take my mind off everything and just look at his adorable face and smell his sweet smell. So, anyway, I love these kids; having 4 is really not bad; it’s only bad if you choose to move, paint, coach football, and all the rest at the same time. Ha. If we were all moved in I don’t think I would feel overwhelmed by having 4. Ha...Most days that is.
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
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